Gunsmith Pricing

Havlin's Firearms Finishing looks forward to servicing your firearm. We offer several services to help you get your firearm back to the condition you desire. Here you will see our standard price schedule for services we offer. If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our experts by our Contact Us page or calling our Sales Department.

 Labor (Man Hours)  $50.00 per Hour
 Minimum Labor Charge $25.00
 Labor (Machine Hours) $100.00 per Hour
 Minimum Machine Charge $50.00
 Field Strip and Cleaning - No Test Fire $40.00
 Deep Cleaning - Complete Disassembly and Test Fire $80.00
 Pistol Sight Installation - No Milling $25.00
 Scope Mount and Boresight $40.00
 Firearm Appraisals $25.00 per 1/2 Hour
 Cerakote Long Gun $200/$55 each add'l color/Plus Labor
 Cerakote Pistol $180/$55 each add'l color/Plus Labor
Cerakote Military Style Rifle (AK/AR/CETME) $250/$55 each add'l color/Plus Labor
 Estimates On Work FREE
Glock Slide Milling (starting at) $150
Barrel Threading (starting at) $180
5% Charge on Electronic Payments 5%

All prices listed are subject to change without notice. In the event of a price change it will be posted within 24-48 hours.